Easy Peasy Paleo Pancakes | Nashville Moms Network

This is the EASIEST pancake recipe there is, I swear! I make them on the regular for my little carb loving daughter to sneak some other goodies into her diet. The base recipe is 1 banana per 2 eggs. You could leave it at that but I think they turn out better with a little coconut flour to firm up consistency.

1 Banana
2 Eggs
1/8 Coconut Flour

Optional Ingredients:
Ground Flax Seed
Chocolate Chips:)

Mash ripe bananas with a fork until few lumps and then mix in eggs and flour. Coat nonstick pan with butter on medium heat. Plop mix on the pan depending on desired size of pancake. Cook until golden on either size. Eat plan or with a touch of maple syrup!


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