Camp Baco for Boys and Camp Che-Na-Wah for Girls - Nashville Moms Network

This is our second story in our camp series on some of our favorite sleepaway camps across the country. For more information to help plan your child’s summer, please read our Ultimate Sleepaway Camp Guide!

Camp Baco for Boys and Camp Che-Na-Wah for Girlsis camp at its purest. We’re two separate camps built on a single tradition: the secret to great camp is its people,” says Barbara and Allison Wortman, Directors of Camps Baco and Che-Na-Wah, located in Minerva, NY, in the Adirondack Mountains. The Wortmans believe that camp is truly special. Their aim is to foster growth in children in an environment that is encouraging, fun and free-spirited—one that is unlike any other community that children are likely to encounter. The Wortmans approach this goal both seriously and with serious delight. Watching each child blossom in camp’s youth-oriented community makes them feel privileged.

Both camps are a three-generation run family camp, which is deeply rooted in tradition, fosters independence and responsibility. They take pride in getting to know every family that comes to them and making personal connections with every child.


Baco and Che-Na-Wah run a host of different activities and events throughout the summer. Memorable all camp activities including the Olympics, high quality theatre productions, all-star athletic events, band performances and more.  They have created a place where children can try new things, and create unforgettable experiences.

One tradition that defines these camps are their Campfires. They are held in something called the “Council Ring” and follow the same format that has been followed at camp for 95 years. They read the reports of campfires from the past, sing campfire songs, tell stories, and enjoy an evening with the whole camp family together.


While times have changed, Camps Baco and Che-Na-Wah—and what kids get out of camp—remains refreshingly constant: children play all day, learn new skills, challenge themselves, make lots of new friends, explore their own potential and, most importantly, HAVE FUN!


Quick Facts about Baco

-All Boys
-Located in Minerva, NY
-No Uniform
-7 Week Camp

Quick Facts about Che-Na-Wah

-All Girls
-Located in Minerva, NY
-No Uniform
-7 Week Camp

 This post is sponsored by Camp Baco and Camp Che-Na-Wah.

For more on these wonderful camps and others, go to our Ultimate Sleepaway Camp Guide!

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